Monday, September 12, 2011

Memory Loss After Pregnancy

I sometimes feel like I am loosing my mind! I was doing SO good the other day. I got the living room picked up, the dishes done, and almost all of the laundry done.  Then I get busy with the baby and dinner and Luca coming home and get super distracted.  So the next morning I ask Luca to take the clothes out of the dryer so I can fold them, and I never started the dryer.  DANG IT!!! AND I didn't hang up his dress shirts or pants that can't be dried.  They sat in a pile on top on the un-started dryer.  This is just the icing on the cake really.  I don't know how many times I have "tried" to make rice in the very easy to use rice cooker, only to find that I didn't push the button down! UGH!!!! So I have stinky clothes that I have to re-wash, and uncooked rice to eat for dinner.  Thanks Gabey Baby! You not only stole what little of a figure I had, you also stole my ability to function in everyday life! The worst part about this, is I totally want to have more kids.  What if it just gets worse? I don't know if I can handle it! Luca is so very understanding.  He even tries not to laugh so much when I forget to do something.  Maybe if I just space my kids out, I will be able to regain my memory and figure before the next one steals it away again.


  1. It gets better with time. I PROMISE!

  2. Today when I looked at my grocery list I felt this way. I wrote that I needed 'toilet wifes'....what
    ??? I don't even know what I meant.

  3. Ugh!! I feel your pain!! I hate it drives me crazy and makes me feel so dumb!!
