Thursday, March 21, 2013

Eating Out

Why it's it that I can do so well at eating right at home, but when I go to a restaurant I always easy crap?

My VT came over yesterday night and ended up staying for a little over an hour. It was a wonderful visit, but left very little time to make dinner. So Luca and I went to Noodles and Company. And instead of getting a nice salad with dressing on the side like I had planned, I got a big plate of Japanese Pan noodles. Ugh! I have NO will power when it comes to eating out. I just wasn't the good stuff!

The great thing about yesterday was Gabe and I got to play with some friends. I'm so terribly bad at staying in contact with people throughout the week. So we did a pop by visit to a friend that turned into a trip to WINCO and a couple hours of the grown ups talking and the kid playing. It was fabulous! And made me realize I miss having social interaction. So we continued the trend today with play group in our ward. Which was fun as well. I just hope I can keep it up.

Monday, March 18, 2013

My How Time Flies about those resolutions? Eh?

I suck! I can't believe I didn't blog once after that! I stayed pretty good on the rest of them.
This year I didn't make as many resolutions. I just made 2 new ones this year.

1. Get my family to eat more fruits and vegetables. Gabe is really good about this. He will usually pass on most foods unless he really wants something. But I can always get him to eat fruit. Luca and I are the ones that need the work. I always seem to forget to cook a veggie with dinner. And if we get snackie, we usually reach for chips. But not anymore!

2. This year I am really pushing to loose some weight. Mainly for health reasons. I have pretty severe asthma and the medications I am on for that make it pretty impossible to maintain a good weight. Which is stupid because the more overt weight I get, the worse my asthma symptoms are. This will be difficult, but Gabe is making it easier. He really likes to go to the park. And we only have one car that Luca takes to work most days. So we walk. And I'm loving it!

I bought some Chaco walking sandals and they have made all the difference. My feet get too hot for sites and socks in the summer, so this was such a great buy. I can walk just as much as I can with tennis shoes, but not have stinky sweaty feet after.

I have also started back up on Weight Watchers. This has been the only thing that has ever really worked for me to loose weight. I just hope I have the will power to stay on it for good. "It's not a diet, it's a life style." Let's hope that sticks!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years Resolutions

1.) Blog once a week.
I think this could be my most challenging one because I don't think of myself as a very creative person.  I feel dumb just saying what I did in a week because usually it's a whole lot of nothing.  But I guess this is more like doing things each week that are worth blogging about.  This also means allowing Luca to take more pictures of me and Gabe.  Gabe really isn't the problem.  That kids has plenty of pictures.  Probably one a day at least.  I just really don't like having my picture taken.

2.) Watch one hour of T.V. a day (or 7 a week)
I watch entirely way too much television.  And Gabe has such a very long attention span for a 7 month old, he has started to watch it along with us.  I don't care for this at all.  I don't want my son to be lazy and park it in front of the T.V. like I do too often.  So I have to be a good example.  So far, it hasn't gone too badly.  I may watch a little more if we decide to watch a movie with friends, but it's a lot better than it used to be.

3.) Read one book a month
I am right on schedule with this one.  I started reading The Help and it made me remember how much I really enjoy reading.  I haven't really read anything but scriptures since Gabe was born.  I hope that all the books I have chosen help keep me interested in reading this year.  Then maybe it will become a habit and I won't have to think about it.

4.) Sing everyday
This one is easy most days.  I just turn on iTunes while I'm cooking or feeding Gabe and sing along to whatever comes on.  But it's getting into the more winter time or year.  This always makes me a little more somber.  I don't feel much like singing after the Christmas Carols have come and gone.

Then of course there are the usual ones.  Eat more healthy foods, exercise more, blah blah blah.  There's a saying several people have told me this year "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." I whole heatedly disagree.  I like food.  I really don't care if I'm on the hefty side of life.  I like cooking and eating good food.  And for me, that means most of the time it's not the healthiest. Maybe my opinion will change.  But for now, I'm content in my skin.   And who knows, with being unemployed for the time being, maybe I will have the time to get out and be more active.  The weather is sure nice enough for it still.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Could this be any easier?

In the last several days, Gabey has started eating a 6 oz bottle every 3 1/2 hours.  This is an amazing step for us. Considering he has been eating a 4 oz bottle every 2 hours for 3 months now. Not fun! He has also started going to sleep on his own.  Granted it is because he has found his new favorite toy; his thumb. Yikes! But no matter the reason, it has made my life SO much easier.  I have more time to get things done around the house. Heck, I even had time to do some crafts! I made a name board to hang in our living room by our door.  What do you think?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My day,

My day the last several days.
1. Gabe plays on his back with his toys.
2. Gabe rolls over on his tummy to play with his toys.
3. Gabe realizes he's on his tummy, which he hates, and screams bloody murder.
4. I wait a minute or two to see if he will calm down; he doesn't.
5. I pick him up, calm him down, and he fuses because he wants to get down and play.
6. Repeat ALL DAY! (It's so worth it though, just look!)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Could my son be part dog?

Gabey absolutely hates riding in the car sometimes.  He cries and cries until he is horse from crying.  One day, I decided to roll down the window for him.  Lo and behold, it worked.  He LOVED it! So now whenever he is crying in the car, I roll the window down.  I'm reminded of all the dogs I see with their heads out the window, tongues hanging out, panting in the wind. Maybe he's just hot and likes the wind on his face? I'm convinced he's part dog.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sleep Training

Luca and I decided to sleep train Gabey baby.  It took us one day.  I feel bad for all those mothers and fathers who it takes much longer for them.  Wednesday we took away his pacifier and let him cry himself to sleep.  It took him 6 minutes to fall asleep the first nap, 4 minutes the second nap, and no more crying since. I feel so blessed that I didn't have to suffer through listening to my baby cry.  I guess he was just ready to not have a pacifier and to sleep on his own.  In a way I'm happy, but I'm also a little sad.  This kinda means that my baby is growing up.  I'm torn.  I want him to stay little forever, but I also LOVE seeing how smart he is.  And how much he is learning.  It's so awesome.  I guess you can't have both right?